Static Data , Static Functions 1
Date: Sep 2, 2018
Dynamic Memory allocation in C++ (new and delete operators) 2
Date: Aug 14, 2018
Write a C++ program to create dynamic integer array, and sort them in ascending order, using new and delete operators. 3
Date: Aug 15, 2018
Write a C++ program to create class 'String', create a data member of the of class that can be dynamically created with parameterized constructor and releases the memory with destructor. 4
Date: Aug 15, 2018
Namespace in C++. 5
Date: Aug 17, 2018
Program example in c++ to demonstrate namespace 6
Date: Aug 25, 2018
Reference variable and aliasing 7
Date: Aug 28, 2018
Pass by reference with reference variable, constant reference argument 8
Date: Aug 28, 2018
Return by reference 9
Date: Aug 30, 2018
Function overloading 10
Date: Aug 31, 2018
Construct an overloaded function equivalent to the pow(x, n), where x can be either integer or float and n is an integer. 11
Date: Aug 31, 2018
Write a C++ program to find the volume of cube, sphere and cylinder using function overloading. 12
Date: Aug 31, 2018
Write a program to overload function "sum" which calculates sum of the squares of the inputs if two inputs are provided and sum of the cubes of the input if three inputs are provided. 13
Date: Aug 31, 2018
Write a program to overload the function max() to find the maximum of two ints, two chars and two doubles. 14
Date: Aug 31, 2018
Inline functions 15
Date: Aug 31, 2018
Default arguments in C++ 16
Date: Sep 2, 2018
Friend Function, Friend class 17
Date: Sep 4, 2018
What are friend functions ? Is it possible for a function to be friend of two classes ? If yes then how is it implemented in C++. Explain with suitable example. ---PU-2016 (New Course) 18
Date: Sep 10, 2018
Write an OOP to add two complex numbers using passing objects as arguments. ---PU_2015 19
Date: Sep 10, 2018
Write a Program to add two complex numbers using friend function. ----PU_2015 20
Date: Sep 10, 2018